Welcome to Teaching While Queer!

Moving Beyond Poor Educational Experiences to Empower Students with Casper Oliver

Teaching While Queer, Season 2, Episode 12

Join us as we take a deep exploration into the life of an extraordinary individual, Casper Oliver (he/they/fae). Casper, a proud non-binary educator and advocate, takes us on a journey from his humble beginnings in rural Indiana to his current life in Oregon. A wealth of experience in early childhood education under their belt, they share their insights into teaching young minds, supporting queer parents, and the accidental way their teaching career started.

Teaching is a calling, and for Casper, it was a call faer answered with fervor. Through recounting his own schooling experiences, Casper highlights the profound impact teachers had on his life in a negative way and how he learned what not to do as an educator. Casper’s journey of self-discovery is a story of courage and resilience. Their revelation about their non-binary identity, the struggle of “coming out”, and the victory of finally embracing themself is a story many will connect with.

Casper’s life is a kaleidoscope of varied experiences as an educator, drag performer, and queer person. Fae shares about the importance of creating inclusive classrooms for LGBTQ+ students and gives us a glimpse into the reality of queerphobia fae’s faced. He also shares practical insights on creating sensory-friendly spaces for autistic students. Casper’s emphasis on diversity in books and the power of libraries as resources for students reminds us of the simple yet impactful ways we can create safer spaces for marginalized students. This episode is truly an enlightening and inspiring discussion on how to grow and learn along with our students. Tune in and listen to Casper’s incredible journey.