Welcome to Teaching While Queer!
April 14, 2024

What Does It Mean to Be a Queer Educator?

What Does It Mean to Be a Queer Educator?


In the current educational landscape, LGBTQIA+ educators face unique challenges and experiences that shape their identities and careers. This blog post, inspired by Bryan Stanton's podcast episode "Welcome to Teaching While Queer," explores the experiences of LGBTQIA+ educators and the ways in which we can support them.

Bryan's Personal Journey and Experiences

As a queer educator, Bryan Stanton has faced both adversity and support throughout his teaching career. His personal journey highlights the challenges of navigating the educational system while living authentically.

Experiences of LGBTQIA+ Educators on the Podcast

Bryan's podcast features interviews with other LGBTQIA+ educators who share their own experiences. These stories provide a diverse perspective on the challenges and rewards of teaching as a queer person.

Challenges Faced by LGBTQIA+ Educators

LGBTQIA+ educators face a range of challenges, including:

  • Discrimination from students, colleagues, and administrators
  • Lack of representation and visibility in leadership positions
  • Exclusion from professional development opportunities
  • Safety concerns in certain school environments

Strategies for Supporting LGBTQIA+ Educators

To create inclusive and supportive learning environments for all, it is crucial to support LGBTQIA+ educators. Strategies include:

  • Providing professional development opportunities
  • Creating LGBTQIA+ safe spaces
  • Advocating for policies that protect LGBTQIA+ students and staff
  • Challenging homophobic and transphobic language and behavior


Being a queer educator is a complex and multifaceted experience. LGBTQIA+ educators face unique challenges that require support and understanding from their peers, administrators, and students. By raising awareness of these challenges and implementing strategies for support, we can create a more inclusive educational environment for all.

Visit the podcast episode to learn more about Bryan Stanton's experiences and listen to other LGBTQIA+ educators share their stories.

Welcome to Teaching While Queer!